
Financial Institutions Targeted in Phishing Campaign That Delivers the JSOutProx RAT

A phishing campaign has been running since late March that tricks people into installing a new version of the remote access trojan, JSOutProx. JSOutProx was first identified in 2019 and is a backdoor that utilizes JavaScript and .NET that allows users to run shell commands, execute files, take screenshots, control peripheral devices, and download additional malware payloads. The malware is known to be used by a threat actor tracked as Solar Spider, which mostly targets financial institutions in Central Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa, with the latest version of the malware also being used to target organizations in the Middle East.

The malware has mostly been used on banks and other financial institutions. If infected, the malware collects information about its environment and the attackers then download any of around 14 different plug-ins from either GitHub or GitLab, based on the information the malware collects about its operating environment. The malware can be used to control proxy settings, access Microsoft Outlook account details, capture clipboard content, and steal one-time passwords from Symantec VIP.

Like many other remote access trojans, JSOutProx is primarily delivered via phishing emails. A variety of lures have been used in the phishing emails but the latest campaign uses fake notifications about SWIFT payments in targeted attacks on financial institutions and MoneyGram payment notifications in attacks on individuals, which aim to trick the recipients into installing the malware.

The latest campaign uses JavaScript attachments that masquerade as PDF files of financial documents contained in .zip files. If the user attempts to open the fake PDF file, the JavaScript is executed deploying the malware payload. The main aim of the campaign is to steal user account credentials, gather sensitive financial documents, and obtain payment account data, which can either be used to make fraudulent transactions or be sold to other threat actors on the dark web. Email accounts are often compromised which can be leveraged in Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks to steal funds from clients. According to VISA, “The JSOutProx malware poses a serious threat to financial institutions around the world, and especially those in the AP region as those entities have been more frequently targeted with this malware.”

Since phishing is the main method of malware delivery, the best defense against attacks is advanced anti-spam software and end-user security awareness training. JSOutProx malware is able to bypass many traditional anti-spam solutions and anti-virus software due to the high level of obfuscation. The best defense is an anti-spam solution with AI and machine learning capabilities that can identify the signs of malicious emails by analyzing message headers and message content to determine how they deviate from the emails typically received by the business and also search for the signs of phishing and malware delivery based on the latest threat intelligence.

To identify the malicious attachments, an anti-spam solution requires sandboxing. Any messages that pass standard antivirus checks are sent to the sandbox where behavior is analyzed to identify malicious actions, rather than relying on malware signatures for detection. SpamTitan can extract and analyze files in compressed archives such as .zip and .rar files and in recent independent tests, SpamTitan achieved a phishing catch rate of 99.914%, a malware catch rate of 99.511%, with a false positive rate of 0.00%. SpamTitan from TitanHQ is delivered as either a hosted anti-spam service or an anti-spam gateway that is installed on-premises on existing hardware. SpamTitan has been developed to be easy to implement and use and meet the needs of businesses of all sizes and managed service providers.

Phishing emails target employees so it is important to teach them how to identify phishing emails. Due to the fast-changing threat landscape, security awareness training should be provided continuously to the workforce, and phishing simulations should be conducted to give employees practice at identifying threats. SafeTitan from TitanHQ can be used to easily create effective training programs that run continuously throughout the year and keep employees up to date on the latest threats and tactics, techniques, and procedures used by malicious actors. SafeTitan also delivers relevant training in real-time in response to security mistakes and phishing simulation failures. Check out these anti-spam tips for further information on improving your defenses against phishing and get in touch with TitanHQ for more information on SpamTitan email security and the SafeTitan security awareness training platform.

Monthly Salary Reports Used as Lure in RAT-delivering Phishing Campaign

One of the most effective ways of getting employees to open malicious emails is to make the emails appear to have been sent internally and to use a lure related to salaries, as is the case with a recently identified campaign that is used to deliver a Remote Access Trojan called NetSupport RAT.

The campaign was first identified by researchers at Perception Point who intercepted an email that appeared to have been sent by the accounts department and purported to be a monthly salary report. The recipient is told to review the report and get back in touch with the accounts department if they have any questions or concerns about the data.  Due to the sensitive nature of the data, the salary chart is in a password-protected document, and the employee is told to enter the password provided in the email if the enable editing option is unavailable. The user is prompted to download the .docx file, enter the password, and then click enable editing, after which they need to click on the image of a printer embedded in the document. Doing so will display the user’s salary graph.

The document uses an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) template which is a legitimate tool that allows linking to documents and other objects, in this case, a malicious script that is executed by clicking on the printer icon. This method of infection is highly effective, as the malicious payload is not contained in the document itself, so standard antivirus scans of the document will not reveal any malicious content. If the user clicks the printer icon, a ZIP archive file will be opened that includes a single Windows shortcut file, which is a PowerShell dropper that will deliver the NetSupport RAT from the specified URL and execute it, also adding a registry key for persistence.

NetSupport RAT has been developed from a legitimate remote desktop tool called NetSupport Manager which is typically used to provide remote technical support and IT assistance. The malware allows a threat actor to gain persistent remote access to an infected device, gather data from the endpoint, and run commands. While the use of OLE template manipulation is not new, this method has not previously been used to deliver the NetSupport RAT via email.

The threat actor uses encrypted documents to deliver the malware to evade email security solutions, and the emails are sent using a legitimate email marketing platform called Brevo, which allows the emails to pass standard reputation checks. This campaign is another example of how threat actors are increasing the sophistication of their phishing campaigns and how they can bypass standard email security defenses, including Microsoft’s anti-malware and anti-phishing protections for Microsoft 365 environments.

While the lure and the steps users are taken through are reasonable, there are red flags at various stages of the infection process where end users should identify the email as potentially malicious. In order for that to happen, end users should be provided with regular security awareness training. TitanHQ offers a comprehensive security awareness training platform called SafeTitan, which includes training modules to teach employees how to identify the red flags in email campaigns such as this. The platform also includes a phishing simulator, that allows these types of emails to be sent to employees to test the effectiveness of their training. If they fail a simulation, they are immediately shown where they missed the opportunity to identify the threat, with relevant training generated instantly in real time.

Sophisticated phishing attacks require sophisticated anti-phishing defenses to block these emails before they reach end users’ inboxes. While standard antivirus checks can block many malicious payloads, behavioral analysis of attachments and files is essential. TitanHQ’s cloud-based anti-spam service – SpamTitan – performs a barrage of front-end checks of messages including reputation checks and Bayesian analysis, machine-learning algorithms analyze messages for potentially malicious and phishing content, scan attachments with twin antivirus engines, and messages are sent to a sandbox for deep analysis. In the sandbox, malicious behavior can be identified allowing even sophisticated phishing emails to be blocked by the cloud spam filter.

A hosted email filter is often the best fit for businesses, although SpamTitan is available as a gateway spam filter. The TitanHQ team will be happy to listen to your requirements and suggest the best option to meet your needs. Give the team a call today to find out more about improving your email defenses against sophisticated phishing and malware distribution campaigns and how to provide more effective security awareness training.

Sophisticated Phishing Campaign Delivers Rats via SVG File Attachments

A sophisticated phishing campaign has been detected that is being used to deliver a variety of Remote Access Trojan (RAT) malware, including Venom RAT, Remcos RAT, and NanoCore RAT, as well as a stealer that targets cryptocurrency wallets. The campaign uses email as the initial access vector with the messages purporting to be an invoice for a shipment that has recently been delivered. The emails include a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file attachment – an increasingly common XML-based vector image format.

If the file is executed, it will drop a compressed (zip) file on the user’s device. The zip file contains a batch file that has been created with an obfuscation tool (most likely BatCloak) to allow it to evade anti-virus software. If not detected as malicious, a ScrubCrypt batch file is unpacked – another tool used to bypass antivirus protections – which delivers two executable files that are used to deliver and execute the RAT and establish persistence. This method of delivery allows the malware to evade AMSI (Antimalware Scan Interface) and ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) antivirus protections.

One of the primary payloads is Venom RAT, which establishes a connection with its command and control (C2) server, transmits sensitive information gathered from the compromised device and runs commands from its C2 server. Venon RAT can download additional modules and malware payloads, including a stealer malware that targets folders associated with cryptocurrency wallets and applications including Atomic Wallet, Electrum, Exodus, Foxmail, and Telegram.

The sophisticated nature of this campaign and the obfuscation used to hide the malicious payloads from traditional antivirus software demonstrates the need for advanced email defenses and end-user training. Email security solutions that rely on malware signatures are easily bypassed, which is why it is important to use an anti-spam solution that incorporates sandboxing for blocking malware and AI and machine learning capabilities to identify malicious emails.

SpamTitan uses AI and machine learning algorithms to detect phishing emails that other solutions miss – including Microsoft’s basic and advanced anti-phishing mechanisms for Microsoft 365. SpamTitan includes Sender Policy Framework (SPF), SURBL’s, RBL’s, Bayesian analysis, and more, and the machine learning algorithms can detect email messages that deviate from the typical messages received by a business and can identify header anomalies, address spoofing, and suspect email body content. All inbound messages are subjected to standard and advanced malware checks, including scans using twin anti-virus engines and email sandboxing.  If all anti-malware checks are passed, including unpacking and analyzing compressed files, messages are sent to the sandbox for behavioral analysis.

In the cloud-based sandbox, malicious actions are identified such as attempts to deliver additional files as is commonly seen in multi-stage attacks and C2 calls. In recent independent tests (Virus Bulletin), SpamTitan achieved a phishing catch rate of 99.914%, a malware catch rate of 99.511%, and a false positive rate of 0.00%. With phishing attacks becoming more sophisticated you need to have sophisticated defenses. With email security protection provided by SpamTitan and security awareness training delivered using TitanHQ’s award-winning SafeTitan security awareness training and phishing simulation platform you will be well protected from email-based attacks.

Give the TitanHQ team a call today to find out more about how you can improve your defenses against email-based attacks with sandboxing technology and how to add more layers to your defenses to block the full range of cyberattacks.

TitanHQ’s Anti-Phishing Solution Now Has Auto-Remediation Feature

TitanHQ has added a new auto-remediation feature to its Microsoft 365 anti-phishing solution, PhishTitan, to better meet the needs of managed service providers (MSP) and M365 administrators.

According to Statista, more than two million companies worldwide use Microsoft 365, including more than 1.3 million in the United States. Given the number of companies that use Microsoft 365, it is naturally a big target for cybercriminals and nation-state actors. If threat actors can steal M365 credentials, they can access a treasure trove of valuable business data and gain a foothold for more extensive and damaging attacks. Microsoft offers protection against spam, phishing, malware, and business email compromise attacks, but the best level of protection is only available with its costly E5 premium license, which is prohibitively expensive for many small businesses. Even companies that can afford this costly license do not get cutting-edge protection against phishing and BEC attacks.

To consistently block sophisticated phishing attempts, BEC attacks, and zero-day threats, businesses need more advanced protection than Microsoft can offer, and many turn to PhishTitan from TitanHQ – an integrated Cloud Email Security Solution (ICES) that provides cutting-edge protection against the most damaging, sophisticated phishing threats, BEC, account takeover, VIP impersonation, and zero-day attacks. In recent Virus Bulletin Tests, the engine that powers PhishTitan achieved an exceptional spam catch rate of 99.983%, a malware catch rate of 99.511%, and a phishing catch rate of 99.914%, with zero false positives. PhishTitan was shown to outperform Microsoft’s highest level of protection. For every 80,000 emails received, PhishTitan blocks 20 more unique and sophisticated attacks than Microsoft’s E5 filtering option.

The latest update to PhishTitan adds a new auto-remediation feature, which allows administrators to tailor the management of malicious emails based on the severity level. When a threat is detected, a banner is added to the email that warns the user about the threat; however, auto-remediation allows administrators to apply rules to deal with these messages according to the threat level, such as automatically diverting the emails to the junk folder. This feature acts like a virtual SOC and minimizes the risk to end users, especially individuals who tend to ignore email banners.

Auto-remediation is just one of the new features PhishTitan has gained since its launch. PhishTitan has also received an update to protect users from the growing threat of QR code phishing attacks (QRishing). QR codes are problematic for many anti-spam and anti-phishing solutions, as they cannot decipher the URLs in QR codes and check the destination URL, which is why cybercriminals are increasingly using QR codes in their phishing emails. PhishTitan can analyze the URLs encoded in QR codes, assess the risk, and notify end users.

PhishTitan also supports allow-listing, which administrators can use to automatically white-list trusted senders to make sure that their emails are always delivered, and notifications can also be fed into Microsoft Teams. Since administrators can spend a considerable amount of time in the application, a dark mode has been added to improve the user experience, and many more updates are planned and will be rolled out soon.

“We are excited to introduce Auto Remediation, QR code protection, and many additional powerful new features to our valued customers. At TitanHQ, we collaborate closely with partners to develop tailored solutions addressing critical customer IT security challenges,” said TitanHQ CEO, Ronan Kavanagh. “PhishTitan provides MSPs with an unmatched value proposition, featuring effortless deployment and lucrative recurring revenue streams, ultimately delivering a positive return on investment.”

If you want to improve protection against email threats or have any questions about PhishTitan, give the TitanHQ team a call. TitanHQ also offers award-winning DNS filtering, spam filtering, email encryption, email archiving, security awareness training, and phishing simulation solutions, all of which are available on a free trial.

TitanHQ Achieves Virus Bulletin VBSpam+ Certification with 99.91% Phishing Catch Rate in Latest Tests

TitanHQ has claimed a Top 3 position in a recent Virus Bulletin email security test, achieving an exceptional 99.98% spam catch rate and 99.91% phishing catch rate for the cutting-edge filtering engine that powers the SpamTitan (email security) and PhishTitan (phishing protection) solutions, earning TitanHQ the prestigious VBSpam+ certification for the products.

Virus Bulletin is a security information portal and independent testing and certification body that has earned a formidable reputation within the cybersecurity community for providing security professionals with intelligence about the latest developments in the global threat landscape. Virus Bulletin conducts regular tests of security solutions to determine how well they perform at detecting and blocking threats, and for more than 20 years has been benchmarking cybersecurity solutions. Virus Bulletin’s public certifications cover all types of security threat protection, including anti-spam and anti-phishing solutions for enterprises.

In the Q1, 2024 tests, Virus Bulletin assessed nine comprehensive email security solutions, including TitanHQ’s email security suite which comprises SpamTitan and PhishTitan. The email security solutions were put to the test to assess how effective they are at blocking unsolicited and unwanted spam emails and malicious messages of all types. TitanHQ’s solutions achieved exceptional scores at blocking spam and phishing emails, with a spam catch rate of 99.983%, a malware catch rate of 99.511%, and a phishing catch rate of 99.914% with zero false positives. The final score for the Q1, 2024 tests was 99.983, cementing TitanHQ’s position as a leading provider of anti-phishing and anti-spam solutions for managed service providers and businesses.

“This test reaffirms TitanHQ’s unrivaled prowess in spam and phishing protection—we stand as the first choice for combating phishing attempts and spam infiltrations,” said Ronan Kavanagh, CEO at TitanHQ. “Our customers need not settle for anything less. With TitanHQ solutions, they receive unparalleled defense against phishing and spam and experience minimal false positives.

While there are many ways that cybercriminals and nation state actors breach company networks and gain access to sensitive data, phishing is the leading initial access vector. Despite phishing being such a prevalent threat, many businesses lack security solutions that can consistently identify and block these malicious messages, which results in costly compromises, data breaches, and devastating ransomware attacks. According to one study by researchers at CoreView on 1.6 million Microsoft 365 users, 90% lacked essential security protections that can combat threats such as phishing.

While Microsoft has security solutions that can block spam and phishing emails, they are unable to block advanced phishing threats. PhishTitan has been developed to work seamlessly with M365 and catch the phishing threats that M365 misses. Even Microsoft’s most advanced anti-phishing protection, the costly E5 premium security offering, fails to block many advanced threats. Testing has shown that for every 80,000 emails received, PhishTitan identifies and blocks 20 unique, sophisticated phishing attempts that Microsoft’s top solution misses, and many businesses cannot afford Microsoft’s top level of protection and are reliant on its basic anti-spam and anti-phishing protection.

If you want to improve your defenses against phishing and malware and block more spam emails, give the TitanHQ team a call and ask about SpamTitan and PhishTitan. Both email filtering solutions are available on a free trial, so you can put them to the test and see for yourself the difference they make.