TitanHQ is pleased to confirm that Alliance Manager and Education specialist Eric Simpson will be speaking at the San Diego Learning Council Digital Curriculum Tactics Discussion this year. Eric will be explaining the importance of implementing a web filtering solution with a particular focus on K12 schools and districts. With the range of online threats having increased dramatically in recent years it is now more important than ever to implement a web filtering solution to keep staff and students protected.

TitanHQ has a long and successful history of helping K12 schools, districts, and universities throughout the United States install web security products to protect their networks and users. Eric will be explaining some of those success stories and the benefits that come from implementing a web filtering solution.

Each year, The Learning Council stages 30 Digital Curriculum Discussions across the United States. The discussions are day-long meetings where local superintendents, Chief Academic Officers, CIOs, and instructional technologists get to hear about the latest working tactics and strategy points and take part in a host of training exercises.

If you are interested in attending or would like to discuss web filtering in more detail, please contact Eric in advance at esimpson@titanhq.com.

If you have not already registered for the San Diego Learning Council Digital Curriculum Tactics Discussion, you can do so on this link.

The San Diego Learning Council Digital Curriculum Tactics Discussion is being held on November 1 at the University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, UC-Forum A, San Diego, CA 92110 on November 1, 2016.

About The Learning Council

The Learning Council was formed in 2014 with the aim of helping educational establishments transition to a digital curriculum. The Learning Council provides detailed research and reference material to help K-12 school leaders source the most beneficial apps and tools to make the transition to the digital curriculum as smooth as possible. In two years, membership has grown substantially and now includes more than 170,000 curriculum specialists, Chief Academic Officers, CIOs, superintendents, tech and instructional administrators, and publishers.

Jennifer Marsh

With a background in software engineering, Jennifer Marsh has a passion for hacking and researching the latest cybersecurity trends. Jennifer has contributed to TechCrunch, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, CloudLinux, and IBM. When Jennifer is not programming for her latest personal development project or researching the latest cybersecurity trends, she spends time fostering Corgis.