WebTitan Cloud for Service Providers

The Purpose-built multi-tenanted Web content filtering and protection solution for WiFi Providers and Managed Service Providers

The Perfect Web Filtering Solution

WebTitan Cloud for Service Providers is a cloud solution allowing providers of WiFi and Internet services to offer Web content controls to your customers. This multi-tenant cloud solution can be hosted by TitanHQ or on your own servers and offers multiple policy options for accessing Internet sites. Policies can be created for each location preventing users from accessing unwanted content and blocking malicious Web sites. It is a DNS-based solution requiring a simple DNS redirect to the WebTitan cloud servers, thus being simple to set up and manage, and avoiding any latency effects.

WebTitan Cloud for Service Providers

How does it work?

WebTitan Cloud for Service Providers is cloud based, multi-tenant, scalable, brandable and designed for Managed Service Providers!

The Complete Solution

  • It can be hosted by TitanHQ or by you
  • It includes multiple APIs to integrate with your billing, auto provisioning or monitoring system
  • It is DNS based so you don’t not have to become an ISP to offer the service. This also remove any latency issues.
  • It is highly scalable to 100s of thousands of users
  • It is fully brandable, including logos and UI colour schemes
  • It includes multiple management roles
  • Adding customers takes minutes

What can it do?

WebTitan Cloud for Service Providers has been purpose built to allow WiFi providers and Managed Service Providers offer web filtering controls and browsing protection to their customers. It is a multi-tenant solution and API driven to allow integration with existing customer deployment, billing and management tools. It is fully brandable. The end user interface is simple, intutive and easy to use.

Management Features
  • Dashboard overview of System and Customer Activity
  • Hosted by TitanHQ or you, as preferred
  • Simple set up
  • Simple customer on-boarding process
  • Customer account management tools
  • Automated updating of system and category engine
  • Multiple administration roles and privilege options
  • Full branding options of block page and customer Web interface
  • Multiple API options
Customer Features
  • Dashboard of Web activity
  • 53 URL category options
  • Policy violation alert system
  • Domain blacklists and whitelists
  • Customisable block page
  • Cloud keys that allow users bypass a policy setting, controlled by use, time or date
  • Multiple locations possible per customer
  • Full Reporting Suite including Per User/Group Reporting
  • Real-time browsing view
  • Scheduled report delivery

WebTitan DNS Security and DNS Content Filter
Key Product Features:

Malware Blocking

Blocks Malware, Phishing, Viruses, Ransomware & Malicious Sites

Content Filtering

Eliminates malicious and inappropriate content at the source

Flexible Policies

Different considerations for different environments

Secure BYOD

Protecting remote and work from home end users

Scalable & Fast

Solutions can handle any volume of usage with no latency


Delivering all the reporting you need to control and protect

All API Driven

Remote Management and Monitoring via API

Best Support

Renowned for our top class support and product on-boarding teams

Phishing Prevention

AI-Powered Protection Against Active and Emerging Phishing URLs including Zero-Minute Threats

Malicious Detection Service

Monitor and identify malicious threats in real-time with unmatched speed, scale, and accuracy.

Business Email Compromise

Protect against BEC and email account compromise

Data Offload

The ability to list and download DNS request history in file format. Logs are available.

Enhanced Reporting

Interactive reports and data visualization. Behavior, Blocked, Security and Trend Reports embedded in the WebTitan product.


DNSSEC strengthens authentication in DNS using digital signatures based on public key cryptography.

OTG Device Exceptions

A replacement for JSON Config (filters) for OTG Devices. Ease of adding exceptions to OTG devices via a simplistic user interface.

Real-Time Updates

Newly identified threats are immediately propagated to database deployments worldwide to provide maximum coverage and protection against emerging, zero-hour threats.

Who is it for?

Typical Customers

  • Hotspot and WiFi providers
  • Managed Service Providers
  • Internet Service Providers
  • Retail Organisations offering Wifi such as restaurants, hotels, pubs, cafes and shops
  • Public organisations offering Wifi such as universities, schools, hospitals and libraries

Why they use it.

  • Protect their brand – business owners do not want any issues arising from providing WiFi access on their premises, such as customers or minors accessing unsuitable content from their network or violating any laws when online.
  • Protect Users – the internet is the main conduit of malware online. Owners want to assure users that they are safe when online on the WiFi network, this also goes to brand protection and brand enhancement
  • Save bandwidth – prevent users from using the WiFi network to download large amounts of content, such as streaming websites, or videos or movies.
WebTitan Cloud for Service Providers has been designed for those companies who want to offer web content filtering and malware protection to their customers. This can range from Hotspot providers who want a robust low management solution to ensure users of their services cannot access content they would deem unsuitable for a public service, such as pornography, hate speech or voilence, ensuring brand protection. It includes those offering Mangaed Services to their customers and need to include not only web filtering but malware protection, to ensure their customers networks are offered the best possible protection when browsing the internet, the main conduite of malware today. It is a perfect solution to those offering Internet Parental Controls as part of their internet service provision, offering parents the tools to ensure their children cannot access unsuitable material when online.
We believed we lacked the resources to actively manage these threats, WebTitan gave us the powerful and exible tools to do this quickly and simply.
Rodney Stalnaker

IT Director

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Call us on USA +1 5859735070 or IRL +353 91 545555

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