There are several contenders claiming to be the best spam filter for Outlook, and businesses should consider what their pain points are before committing to a solution. For many businesses it will be Outlook´s relative failure to detect spam emails, while for others issues concerning “IP throttling”, security vulnerabilities, and ease of administration may come top of their agendas.
For businesses looking to resolve all these pain points, the choice between contenders claiming to be the best spam filter for Outlook decreases significantly. Few have the capabilities to increase spam detection rates and overcoming the issue of “IP throttling” simultaneously, while other may not have the mechanisms to resolve security vulnerabilities without increasing the administrative load.
Why SpamTitan Might be Considered the Best Spam Filter for Outlook
SpamTitan is a leading spam filter that achieves a verifiable spam detection rate of 99.97%. It does this through a process known as Greylisting – a process in which all non-whitelisted emails are returned to their originating servers with a request for the email to be resent. Spammers´ mail servers are usually too busy to reply to the request, and the spam email is never returned.
The Greylisting process eliminates the need for Outlook´s IP throttling. IP throttling effectively gives emails lacking an “IP reputation” a low spam confidence score so that any email failing to have an established IP address is quarantined, bounced, or deleted. IP throttling is responsible for delaying the delivery of many business-critical emails, and is a major pain point for many businesses.
Security vulnerabilities are a major issue for Outlook users – as when the flaw in the Advanced Local Procedure Call (ALPC) function of the Windows Task Scheduler was recently exploited. These types of threats are blocked by SpamTitan, which also includes data leak protection to prevent sensitive information being extracted by hackers or stolen via email by malicious insiders.
With regard to the administrative load, SpamTitan has been specifically designed for ease of use. The solution – available both as a cloud solution and as an on-premises solution – is easy to deploy, integrate with management tools, configure and operate. For many businesses, this is a key feature that makes SpamTitan the best spam filter for Outlook to match their requirements.
Other Benefits of Implementing the SpamTitan Email Filter
If you need further reasons to consider SpamTitan as a contended for the best spam filter for Outlook, you might want to consider free outbound scanning (a premium feature on Outlook), free synchronization with Active Directory and LDAP (another premium feature on Outlook), or pattern learning and threat intelligence which reduces the threat of malware and ransomware.
A further reason why SpamTitan might be consider the best spam filter for Outlook is its malicious URL detection and SURBL filtering capabilities. These compare links contained within the bodies of emails against a database of links contained within known phishing emails, and block potential phishing emails to better protect your users, your network, and your business.
Our web-based administrative portal provides a simple way to apply Spam Confidence settings by user, department, or universally; trusted senders can be whitelisted with the click of a mouse; while SpamTitan supports an unlimited number of users and is compatible with all operating systems. Want to know more? Contact us and request a free trial to evaluate SpamTitan in your own environment.
Our free trial gives Outlook users the opportunity to conduct a side-by-side comparison in order to determine whether SpamTitan is the best spam filter for Outlook. The set-up of our solution takes just a few minutes, after which your users will be able to send and receive emails via a safer, less labor-intensive, mail system. Speak with us today to find out more.
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